Friday, October 8, 2010

Komaram Puli’ Flop Bringing $$$ To TV Channels

komarumThe big budget movie ‘Komaram Puli’ may well have been a disaster at the box office but it sure is helping out few others. The Puli flop has given a breather to the small cinema and the TV circuit, they are now gearing up to release their films. Before that, they are now in the need to book slots across various TV channels.
Usually, when it is a big movie, the channels take special interest in promoting them but when it is not a big movie, the small movies have to run around the channels to ensure that their ads and movie teasers are placed in the proper slot. Even the channels have begun taking ‘Puli’ light.
It is heard that the channels are giving preference to those cinemas which are giving money and this is fetching them good revenues. As for the small films, they have got available slots and they are doing their best to push the movies through this medium

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